Sucking the Monkey
The practice in the colonial Royal Navy of sucking beer from a cask through a straw.
Invert Sugar
A brewing adjunct that is created by converting sucrose with either acids or enzymes to produce a mixture of glucose and fructose.
A technique used by brewers during run-off or lautering as a method of freeing up a mash bed that has collapsed, colloquially known as a stuck mash.
Beechwood Aged
A method to complete the lagering process quickly by allowing a greater surface area of yeast to be exposed to the circulating beer.
Oast House
A building designed for drying hops before they are compressed, baled, or pelletized, packaged, and sold to brewers.
Jean De Clerck
Known as one of the brewing world's most influential scientists and scholars, De Clerck founded the European Brewery Convention (EBC) and formulated both Moortgat Duvel and Chimay Blue.
In brewing, friability is a measure of the hardness of grains of malted barley.
Butyric Acid
An off flavor in beer that causes cheesy, rancid, putrid, and baby vomit-type flavors at concentrations above its beer flavor threshold.