Beer Judge Training Resources
This page contains helpful resources for those studying for a BJCP tasting or written exam.
BJCP Scoresheet (Competition): This is the scoresheet you will use most often when you judge at AHA/BJCP-sanctioned competitions
BJCP Scoresheet (Examination Version): This is the scoresheet you will use when you take your BJCP Judging Examination (tasting exam). It is nearly identical to the competition scoresheet with the following exceptions:
The full Descriptor Definitions are removed. Only the descriptor names are present.
The judge information, BJCP Rank or Status, and Non-BJCP Qualification boxes are replaced with exam information
BJCP Beer Exam Study Guide: Provides some guidance on both the tasting and the written exams. For those taking the BJCP Beer Judge Written Proficiency Examination, this resource contains the entire pool of questions from which the written exam questions will be drawn. This is a necessary resource for the written exam.
BJCP Judge Procedures Manual: Provides an overview of how a competition/judge session is organized. This is a necessary resource for the BJCP Online Entrance Examination.
BJCP Scoresheet Guide (PDF copy or URL): Provides guidance for exam graders but also serves as an essential training tool for anyone taking the tasting exam as it outlines precisely how exams are graded.
BJCP Exam for Dummies 2019: Not an official BJCP product, but provides practical advice for each BJCP exam compiled from experienced judges. Review the relevant exam section before you take each level of exam to help you focus your thoughts.
Beer Fault List: This is a brief, one-page overview of the most common faults found in beer along with possible solutions. The Beer Fault List is a perfect companion for new judges who want a handy reference for identifying potential causes off-flavors and providing possible solutions in their feedback. Print this out and take it with you when you judge.
The Complete Beer Fault Guide v.1.4: A comprehensive summary of many faults found in beer along with explanations of how they may be controlled and when they are appropriate. Be forewarned that not all information is presented in the same way as the BJCP and that the guide is not peer-reviewed; thus, some information may not be entirely accurate but is rarely wholly incorrect.
Beer Style Comparisons: Created to group similar styles together for purposes of comparing and contrasting styles as well as guidance on organizing tasting exercises by similar styles.
Weekly Presentation Slides with Notes
Week 0: Beer Judge Training Overview
Week 1: BJCP Overview, BJCP Online Entrance Exam Overview, BJCP Tasting Exam Overview
Week 2: Sensory Techniques & Descriptive Language
Week 3: American Standard Beer, International Lager, & Czech Lager
Week 4: Pale Malty European Lager, Pale Bitter European Lager, & German Wheat Beer
Week 5: Amber Malty European Lager & Amber Bitter European Lager
Week 6: Dark European Lager & Strong European Beer
Week 8: British Beer, Pale Commonwealth Beer, Strong British Beer
Week 9: Brown British Beer, Scottish Ale, Irish Beer
Week 10: Dark British Beer, American Porter & Stout, and Amber & Brown American Beer
Week 11: Pale American Ale, IPA, Strong American Ale
Week 12: European Sour Ale & Belgian Ale
Week 13: Strong Belgian Ale & Trappist Ale